The Adventures of Detective Fontaine

A young detective living in Luxembourg in the 1920’s who solves mysteries based on historical events. Fontaine is a loving tribute to the adventure serials of the early 20th century.

Fontaine: Orphaned at a young age during the First World War, Fontaine first makes a name for himself by solving a mystery for the monarchy of Luxembourg. He is given a private residence and begins to develop a reputation for solving difficult mysteries.

Col. Maxwell: An heir to a slowly failing aristocratic family, Maxwell has a passion for aviation. Although he was retired, he chose to fight in the first war, although he quickly became jaded with the war.

Sidney Riley: The “Ace of Spies”. His alliances are not known, but he is also on the search for the treasure, while evading the Black Hand.

The Lost Treasure of the Tsar

Detective Fontaine is visited by a mysterious stranger with a letter on behalf of Pyotr Wrangel, the leader of the White Movement. It asks him to locate Russia’s lost gold reserve that mysteriously vanished during the Russian Civil War. In total, around 50 billion dollars worth is missing. The letter pleads with Fontaine for help, as the Bolsheviks are also on the lookout for the treasure.

Although Fontaine initially refuses, the stranger is almost assassinated, and this prompts the detective to get involved. He enlists the assistance of his good friend and mentor Col. Maxwell, and accompanied by his pet raven Poe, they set off to solve the mystery of the missing gold, all the while being tailed by the enigmatic Sidney Riley.


The Russian Civil war involved the Monarchists and the Bolsheviks