This is where it all starts

As some of you may remember, I promised if I received enough interest I’d start an alternative website with content not directly linked to atheism. Well, with my break-up complete, I thought instead I’d make this site the primary way to communicate with the 300 and show them what I’m up to (to show  them my progress, how things are shaping up, and to keep all the supporters in the loop).

First, many of you will be receiving emails inviting you to become members. In the coming days, I’ll be outlining all of the ideas and principles of the group and then slowly but surely upload all the content I’ve worked on over the years. It will act as my catalog and an open invitation to The 300 to collaborate and help develop these projects with other talented members.

The rest is all a challenge, but I’m sure that the rest of you will help me overcome each one as they come up. I don’t know about you, but I’m having fun already.

Jake #13

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